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Development Trend of Plastic Auto parts mould

Development Trend of Plastic Auto parts mould

October 20 , 2022

At present, the structural design of automobiles is becoming more and more flexible, and the assembly of automobiles tends to be integrated. This has prompted automakers to use more plastic parts.

Using plastic instead of metal components facilitates better integration and assembly and increases flexibility in vehicle design.

Lightweight vehicles have become a global automotive development trend, improving fuel efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

The structure of the car is lighter when designing the car. Including replacing some of the steel structure with lighter plastic materials, these measures are sure to increase the amount of plastic used in vehicles. Bringing a new round of development opportunities to the global plastic auto parts industry.

Plastic is not much more cost-effective than metal. However, since secondary processing and assembly are not required, the overall cost is reduced.

Replacing expensive non-ferrous metal and alloy parts with automotive plastic parts not only reduces vehicle weight, fuel consumption and hydrocarbon emissions, but also increases power, adapts to harsh environments and increases safety.

And plastic can be recycled, saving resources in the manufacturing process. Let the car have more breakthroughs in safety and cost.

The application of plastics in automobiles is also conducive to the design of automobiles that are more humanized, diversified, comfortable and beautiful. Reduce part machining, assembly and maintenance costs.

Therefore, the plasticization of auto parts is a major development trend of today's international auto industry.

The implementation of new automotive energy efficiency standards in some countries or regions has promoted the development of light-duty vehicles, and some automakers are making efforts to increase research and development efforts to expand the application of plastic materials in automobiles.

With the continuous development of the automobile industry, people have higher and higher requirements for the lightweight and environmental protection of automobiles. As a new type of parts, automobile plastic injection parts have more and more broad application prospects in automobiles.

Because injection molding is very convenient, it makes complex process design and car beautification possible. Therefore, it also promotes the substitution of plastics for metals.

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