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Home appliance mold industry will usher in vigorous development in the future

Home appliance mold industry will usher in vigorous development in the future

December 14 , 2022

When it comes to home appliance moulds, everyone knows a little bit that home appliances cannot be missing in life, let alone home appliance moulds. However, due to the impact of the international and domestic economic situation, this year my country's home appliance industry encountered the most severe year in the past 10 years. With the continuous development and growth of the home improvement industry, the home appliance mold industry is expected to usher in a "spring" after moderate adjustments.

Under the combined effect of factors such as diminishing effect of domestic demand stimulus policies, continued downturn in the real estate market, and obstruction of exports caused by the international economic environment, the development of my country's home appliance industry has been subjected to the most complicated and severe test in the past 10 years since the beginning of this year. In the first three quarters, the growth rate of major economic indicators such as the total industrial output value, industrial sales output value, and export delivery value of the home appliance industry all fell back, and the sales volume of "large home appliances" also generally declined, with refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines all falling by more than 10%.

At present, judging from the status quo of the development of the household appliance mould industry, there are still many uncertain factors in the future. Among them, the gradual end of policies such as "home appliances going to the countryside" and "trading the old for new" to stimulate domestic demand and stimulate consumption have a greater impact. This requires the home appliance industry to respond in the next step Pay more attention to product quality, maintain healthy competition, and guide consumers to update their consumption concepts.

The economic situation in the later stage is generally improving, the income of urban and rural residents is increasing, and the urbanization process is accelerating. Various factors that are favorable to the home appliance industry are accumulating. At that time, the home appliance mold industry is expected to usher in "spring".

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